Collage of educational settings: teachers utilizing high-quality instructional materials while assisting students with reading and engaging in classroom activities.

Welcome to the Resources Hub.

Dive into our array of resources on teaching and learning topics, including high-quality instructional materials, the latest conversations in STEM and literacy, and our library of recent webinars featuring thought leaders from across the country.

What is the Science of Reading?

The Science of Reading refers to the vast body of growing research that indicates how children learn to read, and the instruction that gets them there. Dive into frameworks for understanding reading fluency, read the latest research, and find strategies you can implement in your classroom. If you need a place to start, check out Science of Reading: The Podcast.


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Teacher observes student completing activity
high quality instructional materials resource hub teacher and child

High-quality instructional materials in action

What are high-quality materials, and why do they matter? How can you support your district or school in adopting a high-quality program? We’ve gathered resources to help answer all those questions. Read our five fundamentals of HQIM in action, watch a video about high-quality curriculum coming to life, download our guide, and more.


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Literacy resources

Reading is the foundation for learning—and we are here to help you build it. Dive into our multimedia library of literacy resources to learn how to engage middle schoolers in ELA and explore the Science of Reading through our popular podcast and our guide to implementing SOR-based programs in your school or district. 


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literacy resource hub illustration of children and literacy materials
Illustration of a digital presentation titled

Math resources

Learn to envision and build a social, collaborative math classroom, hang out with educators and experts in our Math Teacher Lounge podcast, try out interactive lessons on Desmos Classroom, and discover new ways to make math learning engaging and equitable for all.


Tune in to Math Teacher Lounge

Science resources

Get the resources you need to help your students to think, read, inquire, and explore like scientists. Read our science blog posts and our guide to literacy-rich science instruction, learn the elements and dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards—including phenomenon-based learning—and tune into our Science Connections podcast to keep up with the latest. 


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science resource hub kids working on computer together
research resource hub teachers reading off laptop together


Our education research hub includes our own case studies, impact and efficacy research, and documentation of the peer-reviewed research base that informs our programs. Learn about all the education intervention, science research, literacy research—and more—that make us who we are and can support your teaching every day.


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Amplify Blog

Browse our expansive library of articles on teaching and learning in literacy, math, and science. New posts are published each week. Stay up to date with the latest insights and information from Amplify!


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Amplify resource hub webinar library

Amplify webinar library

We host webinars on a range of topics featuring educators and thought leaders from across the country. You’ll find useful information about Amplify programs, professional development topics, and the latest industry insights on STEM, early literacy, high-quality instructional resources, and more.


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Browse Amplify’s many and recent contributions to K–12 education news. And if you’re with the media, please contact the Amplify media team (


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media resource hub man and woman in discussion
events resource hub computer screen of events


Our calendar is full of helpful webinars, podcasts, workshops, conferences, and more—all designed to support educators, share resources, and build community. Fill your calendar by visiting the Amplify Events page. 


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Order forms and pricing summaries

Please refer to this page for pricing by program. An Amplify account executive will be happy to provide you with more information or give you a price quote.


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