Welcome, Amplify Tutoring caregivers!
Welcome to Amplify Tutoring! Our program provides students with high-impact tutoring that is backed by the Science of Reading and grounded in research. Amplify Tutoring helps students to learn to read and provides resources that help teachers and caregivers foster a culture of reading. Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí.
What is high impact tutoring?
High-impact tutoring is small-group, targeted instruction that can lead to significant learning gains. Amplify Tutoring achieves these gains through the following best practices:
Data-driven materials |
Frequent and consistent high-impact tutoring sessions |
Supportive relationships and training |
Tutors use instructional materials aligned with the Science of Reading, tailored to your student’s needs, based on their mCLASS® reading assessment results. Comprehensive reports track progress and growth. |
Tutors provide personalized attention in small groups. Our program is designed for students to participate in three or more 30-minute sessions per week. |
Consistent tutor-student pairings support relationship-building and higher achievement. Tutors receive ongoing professional development. |
Amplify Tutoring provides your student with engaging and effective tutoring programming throughout the year.
Talking to your student about their Amplify Tutoring sessions
Discuss tutoring with your student at home or while getting ready for the day. To support their learning, you may consider:
Celebrating progress
- What new reading skills or strategies have you learned?
- How has your reading improved since starting tutoring?
- Do you have any favorite books or activities in tutoring?
Setting goals together
- What reading skills would you like to improve in tutoring?
- What goal would you like to achieve by the end of the tutoring program?
- What steps can you take to help achieve those goals?
- How can I help support your goals?
Sharing your support
- How can I help you with your reading?
- Can we set aside time each day for you to practice reading?
- Would you like to read some of your books out loud to me?
- Tell me about a book you are reading right now.
- Who are the main characters?
- Where does the story take place?
- Can you retell the main events of the story to me?
Amplify Tutoring support materials and resources
Caregivers, please find materials and resources below that may be helpful to you and your student.
- Schools participating in Amplify Tutoring use mCLASS assessment and mCLASS Intervention.
- mCLASS assessment identifies reading risks and helps address student needs through targeted interventions such as high-impact tutoring.
- Check the Understanding mCLASS guide for reading assessments, caregiver resources, and growth.
- Explore the mCLASS caregiver hub in English and Spanish.
- View the sample HomeConnect letter that highlights your student’s strengths and growth areas.
Boost Reading:
- Boost Reading provides personalized instruction based on the Science of Reading.
- It complements your student’s high-impact tutoring, giving them a place to practice the same skills.
- Explore Boost Reading caregiver resources.
Note: All schools participating in Amplify Tutoring use mCLASS Intervention. Ask your student or their teacher about the implementation of Boost Reading.

Tutoring impacts
Amplify Tutoring works for students who need it most! In one large study of Amplify Tutoring in action, 70 percent of students who scored below benchmark and participated regularly in Amplify Tutoring made above-average growth. Tutored students were 22 percentage points more likely to make outsized growth than peers with a similar profile who did not receive high-impact tutoring at their school.
By providing targeted support tailored to individual needs, Amplify Tutoring enables students to receive the assistance they need and deserve.
See how Amplify Tutoring accelerates learning.
Looking for help or more information?
Visit amplify.com/tutoring to learn more about Amplify Tutoring.
For additional support, please contact your student’s teacher.
Thank you for everything you do to support your student’s learning!