A closer look at grades K–2

Amplify Science is based on the latest research on teaching and learning and helps teachers deliver age-appropriate, high-quality, literacy-rich instruction that enables students to take on the roles of scientists and engineers to solve real-world phenomena every day.

In the K–2 classroom, this looks like students:

  • Collecting evidence from a variety of sources.
  • Making sense of evidence in a variety of ways.
  • Formulating convincing scientific arguments.
Collage of four activities: a hand flipping matches with a spatula, a boy reading to classmates, two children conducting a science experiment, and a minimalist desk setup with a laptop and lamp.
Graphic showing a research process with four steps: spark intrigue with a real-world problem, explore evidence, explain and elaborate, and evaluate claims, connected in a cycle with arrows.

Program structure

Our cyclical lesson design ensures students receive multiple exposures to concepts through a variety of modalities. As they progress through the lessons within a unit, their understanding gradually builds and deepens, ultimately leading to their ability to develop and refine increasingly complex explanations of the unit’s phenomenon.


It’s this proven program structure and lesson design that enables Amplify Science to teach less, but achieve more. Rather than asking teachers to wade through unnecessary content, we designed our K–2 program to address 100% of the NGSS in just 66 days.


Scope and sequence

Every year of our K–2 consists of 3 units and 66 total lessons. Said another way, each unit contains 20 lessons plus two dedicated assessment days (a Pre-Unit Assessment and End-of-Unit Assessment).


Lessons at grades K–1 are written for a minimum of 45-minutes, and grade 2 lessons are written for a minimum of 60-minutes—though teachers can expand or contract the timing to meet their needs.

Grid of nine educational subject cards for kindergarten, grade 1, and grade 2, each listing curriculum topics like

Unit types

While every unit delivers three-dimensional learning experiences and engages students in gathering evidence from a rich collection of sources, each unit also emphasizes a particular science and engineering practice.

In each grade K–2:

  • One unit emphasizes the practice of investigation.
  • One unit emphasizes the practice of modeling.
  • One unit emphasizes the practice of engineering design.
  • More about unit types

Units at a glance

  • Kindergarten units

  • Grade 1 units

  • Grade 2 units