RF.2.3.B.i: Know the Sounds That Represent Variant Vowel Combinations (e.g. igh, ough) and Diphthongs (e.g. oy, ow)


RF.2.3.B.i: Know the Sounds That Represent Variant Vowel Combinations (e.g. igh, ough) and Diphthongs (e.g. oy, ow)


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.2.3.B: Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.


  • Mastery: Student is able to isolate variant vowel combinations (e.g. igh, ough) and diphthongs (e.g. oy, ow) in printed/written words containing variant vowel digraphs and/or diphthongs and knows letter-sound correspondence of variant vowel digraphs and diphthongs in isolation.
  • Acquiring: Student is able to identify and categorize variant vowel combinations and diphthongs to the appropriate sound with the aid of teacher or when referring to sound/spelling card.


T: What sound does ____ make? (show cards with aw, igh, ough, ou, au, oy, oo, ow, oi)
S: /ŏ/; /ī/; /ōō/ or /ŏ/ or /ō/ or /oo; /ow/; /ŏ/; /oy/; /oo/ or /ōō/; /ow/; /oy/


T: What are some of the different spellings for /ī/, /ō/, /oo/, /ōō/, /ow/, /ŏ/, and /oy/?
S: igh/ie, oa/oe, oo, oo/u_e/ew, ow/ou, au/aw/ough, oy/oi (student may list some of these spellings)


T: Can you tell me which word has the /oo/ sound? book, soon, cute. S: book
T: Can you tell me which word has the /ow/ sound? cloud, toy, tow. S: cloud
T: Can you tell me which word has the /oy/ sound? foil, train, foul. S: foil
T: Can you tell me which word has the /ōō/ sound? foot, soon, mule. S: soon
T: Can you tell me which word has the /ŏ/ sound? haul, foul, soul. S: haul

Activities and Resources

Small Group Instruction – Direct Instruction

During Transitions

Reinforce Skills/Independent Work Time – Independent/Small Group Center Activity

Display (e.g. Anchor Chart)

Considerations & Reminders

  • Teach students that there are multiple sounds made by ou: /oʊ/ as in “though” (rhymes with “toe”); /uː/ as in “through” (rhymes with “true”); /ʌf/ as in “enough” (rhymes with “tough”); /ɒf/ as in “cough” (rhymes with “off”); /ɔː/ as in “thought” (rhymes with “taut”); /aʊ/ as in “bough” (rhymes with “how”)