RF.1.3.B.viii: Decode Regularly Spelled One-Syllable VCe & CVCe Words


RF.1.3.B.viii: Decode Regularly Spelled One-Syllable VCe & CVCe Words


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.B: Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.


Mastery: Student silently recognizes long vowel VCe & CVCe spelling patterns and decodes regularly spelled one-syllable VCe & CVCe words with automaticity.

Acquiring: Student decodes sounds in words and self corrects from short vowel sound to long vowel sound based on VCe & CVCe conventions, sometimes with the aid of teacher or when referring to sound/spelling card.


T: Read these words: ate, kite, Pete, dime, cute, bone, ape, hope, cane, mule.

Activities and Resources

Small Group Instruction – Direct Instruction

During Transitions

Reinforce Skills/Independent Work Time – Independent/Small Group Center Activity

Display (e.g. Anchor Chart):

Source: Teaching’s A Hoot Source: Boost for Readers


Considerations & Reminders

When decoding words with the VCe pattern, it may be helpful to first isolate and read the long vowel sound, and then go back to the beginning of the word and blend, instead of reading sound by sound (e.g. a_e pattern recognized and read first: /ā/, /l/, /ā/, /lā/, /m/, lame)