RF.1.3.B.vi: Decode CCVC, CCVCC, & CCCVC Words (beginning and ending blends; e.g. slip, stamp, strap)


RF.1.3.B.vi: Decode CCVC, CCVCC, & CCCVC Words (beginning and ending blends; e.g. slip, stamp, strap)



CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.B: Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.



  • Mastery: Student silently decodes regularly spelled CCVC, CCVCC, and CCCVC one-syllable words with automaticity (whole word reading).
  • Acquiring: Student segments each sound before reading the whole word (sound by sound blending). Student may make mistakes.


T: Read the following words: fled, slot, drum, trust, drips, stops, strip, crest, spend, strand


Activities and Resources


Small Group Instruction – Direct Instruction

P.026 Onset and Rime Onset and Rime Slide
P.040 Digraph A Word
Sounding Out Accuracy (use CCVC, CCVCC, and CCCVC Words)
CCVC (p49-68), CCVCC (p69-78), CCCVC (p79-88)
Use CCVC, CCVCC, and CCCVC words from this list for the three activities below:
Blending – Be the Sound
Blending – Picture Puzzles
Blending – Slip and Slide Wordsplash


During Transitions

Emerging Reader Grammar Phonics Lesson, Beginning Consonant Blends (start at 0:35)
Emerging Reader Grammar Phonics Lesson, Beginning Consonant Blends (start at 0:35)


Reinforce Skills/Independent Work Time – Independent/Small Group Center Activity

P.031 Onset and Rime Change-A-Word
P.029 Onset and Rime Rime Closed Sort
Activity Sheet
Word Spinners, p51-56
Word Lists and Activity Sheets


Display (e.g. Anchor Chart):


Source: Make, Take & Teach


Source: KidsPress Magazine


Source: Consonant Blends 1st Grade


Brainstorming words
Source: Swimming Into Second

Considerations & Reminders

  • This skill includes 3-consonant blends. Distinguish each sound as you demonstrate blending the sounds together.
  • Be careful not to confuse consonant blends with digraphs, which are two letters that make one sound. Consonant blends preserve the sound of each individual letter.