Amplify’s mCLASS®DIBELS® 8th Edition and mCLASS Lectura selected as the early literacy assessment tool for Colorado schools

English and Spanish assessments will support the Colorado Department of Education’s statewide reading initiative

Brooklyn, NY (February 10, 2023) — Amplify, a publisher of next-generation curriculum and assessment programs, announced today that the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has selected mCLASS DIBELS 8th Edition and the corresponding Spanish-language assessment, mCLASS Lectura, as its K–3 interim and diagnostic assessment. The 2012 Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act provides the state with the structure and resources to ensure Colorado’s students are reading at grade level by the time they enter the fourth grade. mCLASS will serve as the state’s READ Early Learning Assessment Tool (ELAT), providing educators with immediate access to the kind of data and analysis they need in order to support their students and provide for intervention where appropriate.

“Amplify is honored to partner with CDE on this important literacy initiative,” said Krista Curran, senior vice president of state partnerships at Amplify. “When teachers are provided with a reliable diagnostic tool, they are equipped with the data to better understand how to support all students in becoming confident readers. Having the kind of data, analysis, and instruction that mCLASS offers in English and Spanish is not only nice to have but also absolutely essential.”

CDE implemented a rigorous review process for this selection. The selection committee for this solicitation included educators and assessment professionals from several districts in Colorado as well as representatives from the Dyslexia Working Group.

mCLASS offers complete parity across languages, reporting, and robust instructional guidance. After each administration of the assessment to students, educators receive granular diagnostic observations, instant targeted groups and lessons for each. With this implementation, CDE educators can be certain they will retain access to all historical and longitudinal data from previous versions of mCLASS.

mCLASS with DIBELS 8th Edition is an integrated literacy system based on the Science of Reading and validated for universal screening, progress monitoring, and screening for risk of dyslexia. DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills), which is automated through the collection of data through the mCLASS platform, is a widely-used series of short tests developed by the University of Oregon that assess K–8 literacy. DIBELS is an observational assessment collected by teachers interacting with students one-on-one, either live or over video. The assessment is typically administered three times per year (beginning, middle, and end of year), and is used to identify reading difficulty, monitor progress, and inform instruction, especially for struggling readers.

About Amplify

A pioneer in K–12 education since 2000, Amplify is leading the way in next-generation curriculum and assessment. Our core and supplemental programs in ELA, math, and science engage all students in rigorous learning and inspire them to think deeply, creatively, and for themselves. Our formative assessment products help teachers identify the targeted instruction students need to build a strong foundation in early reading and math. All of our programs and services provide educators with powerful tools that help them understand and respond to the needs of every student. Today, Amplify serves more than 10 million students in all 50 states. For more information, visit

Media Contact
Kristine Frech

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