Season 6, Episode 15

Special interlude #2: The science of learning, the humility of teaching

Learning is at the center of everything in education, so understanding how the human brain processes, retains, and retrieves new information is essential to student growth. In this special crossover episode, Susan joins forces with fellow Amplify podcast hosts Eric Cross from Science Connections and Dan Meyer and Bethany Lockhart Johnson from Math Teacher Lounge to discuss what learning really means across subjects. Susan is also joined by Peter C. Brown, author of the book Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, to dive into the cognitive science behind how our brains learn and ways you can apply that research in your classroom right now!

Meet our guest(s):

Peter C. Brown, Bethany Lockhart Johnson, Dan Meyer, and Eric Cross

Peter C. Brown is a bestselling writer and novelist, retired from a career as a management consultant. He is the lead author of Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning (Harvard University Press, 2014). Make it Stick has been translated into 17 foreign languages and received international acclaim for changing the way we understand learning. 

Bethany Lockhart Johnson is co-host of the podcast Math Teacher Lounge, as well as a curriculum design consultant, elementary school educator, and author. Prior to serving as a multiple-subject teacher, she taught theater and dance, and now loves incorporating movement and creative play into her classroom. Bethany is committed to helping students find joy in discovering their identities as mathematicians. In addition to her role as a full-time classroom teacher, Bethany is a Student Achievement Partners California Core Advocate and is active in national and local mathematics organizations. Bethany is a member of the Illustrative Mathematics Elementary Curriculum Steering Committee and serves as a consultant, creating materials to support families during distance learning.

Dan Meyer, director of research for Desmos Classroom, is co-host of the podcast Math Teacher Lounge. Dan Meyer taught high school math to students who didn’t like high school math. He has advocated for better math instruction on CNN, “Good Morning America,” “Everyday With Rachael Ray,” and He earned his doctorate from Stanford University in math education and is currently the Dean of Research at Desmos, where he explores the future of math, technology, and learning. Dan has worked with teachers in all 50 states and internationally, and was named one of Tech & Learning’s 30 Leaders of the Future.

Eric Cross, the host of the podcast Science Connections, is a grade 7 science/technology teacher, grade-level lead, and digital learning innovator for Albert Einstein Academies, an International Baccalaureate school. He is also an adjunct professor of learning and technology at the University of San Diego.


Meet Our Host: Susan Lambert

Susan Lambert is the chief academic officer of elementary humanities at Amplify, and the host of Science of Reading: The Podcast. Her career—which has included work as a classroom teacher, building administrator, and district-level leader—has been focused on creating high-quality learning environments using evidence-based practices. Susan is a mom of four, grandma of four, world traveler, and collector of stories. Her professional quarantine accomplishments include the production of knowledge-based learning modules for for K–2 students, available through Amplify’s free resources website and Wide Open Schools.


“Learning is this fluid thing. It's social, it's dynamic, it's experiential. It is the process of acquiring knowledge and understanding, and developing these behavioral skills, but it's also embedded in this bigger context of your background, your identity.” —Eric Cross
“The scientists have discovered that for something to be learned and retained, you need to help the brain do that by practicing, retrieving it from memory, and practicing explaining it in your own words to somebody else asking.” —Peter C. Brown
“Joy in the classroom is a much better context for learning than anxiety.” —Susan Lambert

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