Eureka Math® crosswalk to Amplify Desmos Math free lessons


Grade 6

Module 1: Ratios and Unit Rates

Eureka Math Desmos Classroom
Topic A Representing and Reasoning About Ratios  
Lesson 3: Equivalent Ratios
Lesson 4: Equivalent Ratios
Unit 2
Lesson 4: Fruit Lab
Topic C Unit Rates  
Lesson 16: From Ratio to Rates Unit 3
Lesson 6: Soft Serve
Lesson 18: Finding a Rate by Dividing Two Quantities Unit 3
Lesson 6: Soft Serve
Lesson 24: Percent and Rates per 100 Unit 3
Lesson 9: Lucky Duckies


Module 2: Arithmetic Operations Including Division of Fractions

Topic A Dividing Fractions by Fractions  
Lesson 2: Interpreting Division of a Whole Number by a Fraction —Visual Models. Unit 4
Lesson 3: Flour Planner
Lesson 3: Interpreting and Computing Division of a Fraction by a Fraction—More Models
Lesson 4: Interpreting and Computing Division of a Fraction by a Fraction—More Models
Unit 4
Lesson 6: Fill the Gap
Lesson 8: Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers Unit 4
Lesson 6: Fill the Gap
Topic B Multi-Digit Decimal Operations—Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying
Lesson 9: Sums and Differences of Decimals Unit 5
Lesson 2: Decimal Diagrams and Algorithms

Module 3: Rational Numbers

Topic B Order and Absolute Value

Lesson 7: Ordering Integers and Other Rational Numbers
Lesson 8: Ordering Integers and Other Rational Numbers
Lesson 9: Comparing Integers and Other Rational Numbers
Unit 7
Lesson 4: Order in the Class

Module 4: Expressions and Equations

Topic D Expanding, Factoring, and Distributing Expressions
Lesson 9: The Relationship of Addition and Subtraction
Unit 6
Lesson 8: Products and Sums
Take Away (coming soon!)
Lesson 10: Writing and Expanding Multiplication Expressions
Lesson 11: Factoring Expressions
Lesson 12: Distributing Expressions
Unit 6
Lesson 8: Products and Sums
Take Away (coming soon!)
Topic F Writing and Evaluating Expressions and Formulas
Lesson 18: Writing and Evaluating Expressions—Addition and Subtraction
Lesson 19: Substituting to Evaluate Addition and Subtraction Expressions
Lesson 20: Writing and Evaluating Expressions—Multiplication and Division
Lesson 21: Writing and Evaluating Expressions—Multiplication and Addition
Unit 6
Lesson 8: Products and Sums
Take Away (coming soon!)
Topic G Solving Equations
Lesson 23: True and False Number Sentences
Lesson 24: True and False Number Sentences
Unit 6
Lesson 1: Weight for It
Lesson 25: Finding Solutions to Make Equations True
Unit 6
Lesson 1: Weight for It
Lesson 26: One-Step Equations—Addition and Subtraction
Unit 6
Lesson 1: Weight for It
Topic H Applications of Equations
Lesson 33: From Equations to Inequalities
Lesson 34: Writing and Graphing Inequalities in Real-World Problems
Unit 7
Lesson 7: Tunnel Travels

Module 5: Area, Surface Area, and Volume Problems

Topic A: Area of Triangles, Quadrilaterals, and Polygons

Lesson 1: The Area of Parallelograms Through Rectangle Facts
Unit 1
Lesson 3: Exploring Parallelograms
Exploring Parallelograms, Part 2 
Topic D Nets and Surface Area
Lesson 18: Determining Surface Area of Three-Dimensional Figures
Unit 1
Lesson 10: Renata's Stickers

Module 6: Statistics

Topic A Understanding Distributions
Lesson 2: Displaying a Data Distribution
Lesson 3: Creating a Dot Plot
Unit 8
Lesson 3: Minimum Wage
Lesson 4: Creating a Histogram
Lesson 5: Describing a Distribution Displayed in a Histogram
Unit 8
Lesson 5: The Plot Thickens
Topic C Summarizing a Distribution That Is Skewed Using the Median and the Interquartile Range
Lesson 12: Describing the Center of a Distribution Using the Median
Unit 8
Lesson 11: Toy Cars
Topic D Summarizing and Describing Distributions
Lesson 18: Connecting Graphical Representations and Numerical Summaries
Unit 8
Lesson 5: The Plot Thickens
Lesson 3: Creating a Dot Plot
Unit 8
Lesson 3: Minimum Wage

Grade 7

Module 1: Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Eureka Math Desmos Classroom
Topic A Proportional Relationships  
Lesson 1: An Experience in Relationships as Measuring Rate Unit 2
Lesson 1: Paint
Unit 4
Lesson 1: Mosaics
Lesson 5: Identifying Proportional and Non-Proportional Relationships in Graphs
Lesson 6: Identifying Proportional and Non-Proportional Relationships in Graphs
Unit 2
Lesson 8: Dino Pops
Topic B Unit Rate and the Constant of Proportionality  
Lesson 8: Representing Proportional Relationships with Equations
Lesson 9: Representing Proportional Relationships with Equations
Unit 2
Lesson 6: Two and Two
Lesson 10: Interpreting Graphs of Proportional Relationships Unit 2
Lesson 8: Dino Pops
Topic C Ratios and Rates Involving Fractions  
Lesson 11: Ratios of Fractions and Their Unit Rates
Lesson 12: Ratios of Fractions and Their Unit Rates
Unit 2
Lesson 6: Two and Two
Lesson 15: Equations of Graphs of Proportional Relationships Involving Fractions Unit 2
Lesson 8: Dino Pops
Topic D Ratios of Scale Drawings  
Lesson 16: Relating Scale Drawings to Ratios and Rates Unit 1
Lesson 1: Scaling Machines
Lesson 18: Computing Actual Lengths from a Scale Drawing Unit 1
Lesson 7: Will It Fit?
Lesson 19: Computing Actual Areas from a Scale Drawing Unit 1
Lesson 7: Will It Fit?

Module 2: Rational Numbers

Topic A Addition and Subtraction of Integers and Rational Numbers  
Lesson 1: Opposite Quantities Combine to Make Zero Unit 5
Lesson 1: Floats and Anchors
Lesson 2: Using the Number Line to Model the Addition of Integers
Lesson 3: Understanding Addition of Integers
Lesson 4: Efficiently Adding Integers and Other Rational Numbers
Lesson 5: Understanding Subtraction of Integers and Other Rational Numbers
Unit 5
Lesson 4: Draw Your Own
Lesson 10: Integer Puzzles
Lesson 7: Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers Unit 5
Lesson 4: Draw Your Own
Lesson 10; Integer Puzzles
Topic B Multiplication and Division of Integers and Rational Numbers  
Lesson 10: Understanding Multiplication of Integers
Lesson 11: Develop Rules for Multiplying Signed Numbers
Unit 5
Lesson 10: Integer Puzzles
Lesson 15: Multiplication and Division of Rational Numbers Unit 5
Lesson 10: Integer Puzzles

Module 3: Expressions and Equations

Topic A Use Properties of Operations to Generate Equivalent Expressions
Lesson 3: Writing Products as Sums and Sums as Products
Lesson 4: Writing Products as Sums and Sums as Products
Unit 6
Lesson 10: Collect the Squares
Topic B Solve Problems Using Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
Lesson 8: Using If-Then Moves in Solving Equations
Lesson 9: Using If-Then Moves in Solving Equations
Unit 6
Lesson 10: Collect the Squares
Lesson 10: Angle Problems and Solving Equations
Unit 7
Lesson 2: Friendly Angles
Lesson 4: Missing Measures
Lesson 12: Properties of Inequalities
Lesson 13: Inequalities
Lesson 14: Solving Inequalities
Unit 6
Lesson 16: Shira the Sheep
Topic C Use Equations and Inequalities to Solve Geometry Problems
Lesson 16: The Most Famous Ratio of All
Unit 3
Lesson 3: Measuring Around
Lesson 17: The Area of a Circle
Unit 3
Lesson 9: Area Challenges
Lesson 18: More Problems on Area and Circumference
Unit 3
Lesson 9: Area Challenges

Module 4: Percent and Proportional Relationships

Topic A Finding the Whole
Lesson 1: Percent
Unit 4
Lesson 1: Mosaics
Lesson 2: Part of a Whole as a Percent
Unit 4
Lesson 1: Mosaics
Lesson 3: Comparing Quantities with Percent
Unit 4
Lesson 1: Mosaics
Lesson 4: Percent Increase and Decrease
Unit 4
Lesson 5: Percent Machines
Lesson 12: Posing Percent Problems
(coming soon!)
Lesson 5: Finding One Hundred Percent Given Another Percent
Lesson 6: Fluency with Percents
Unit 4
Lesson 5: Percent Machines
Lesson 12: Posing Percent Problems
(coming soon!)
Topic B Percent Problems Including More Than One Whole
Lesson 7: Markup and Markdown Problems
Unit 4
Lesson 5: Percent Machines
Lesson 12: Posing Percent Problems
(coming soon!)
Lesson 8: Percent Error Problems
Lesson 9: Problem Solving When the Percent Changes
Unit 4
Lesson 5: Percent Machines
Lesson 12: Posing Percent Problems
(coming soon!)
Lesson 10: Simple Interest
Lesson 11: Tax, Commissions, Fees, and Other Real-World Percent Applications
Unit 4
Lesson 12: Posing Percent Problems
(coming soon!)
Topic C Scale Drawings
Lesson 13: Changing Scales
Unit 1
Lesson 1: Scaling Machines
Lesson 7: Will It Fit?
Lesson 14: Computing Actual Lengths from a Scale Drawing
Unit 1
Lesson 7: Will It Fit?
Topic D Population, Mixture, and Counting Problems Involving Percents
Lesson 16: Population Problems
Unit 8
Lesson 10: Crab Island

Module 5: Statistics and Probability

Topic A Calculating and Interpreting Probabilities
Lesson 1: Chance Experiments
Unit 8
Lesson 1: How Likely?
Lesson 2: Prob-bear-bilities
Topic C Random Sampling and Estimating Population Characteristics
Lesson 13: Populations, Samples, and Generalizing from a Sample to a Population
Unit 8
Lesson 10: Crab Island
Lesson 14: Selecting a Sample
Lesson 15: Random Sampling
Lesson 16: Methods for Selecting a Random Sample
Unit 8
Lesson 10: Crab Island
Topic D Comparing Populations
Lesson 22: Using Sample Data to Compare the Means of Two or More Populations
Lesson 23: Using Sample Data to Compare the Means of Two or More Populations
Unit 8
Lesson 10: Crab Island


Module 6: Geometry

Topic A Unknown Angles
Lesson 1: Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Unit 7
Lesson 2: Friendly Angles
Lesson 2: Solving for Unknown Angles Using Equations
Lesson 3: Solving for Unknown Angles Using Equations
Lesson 4: Solving for Unknown Angles Using Equations
Unit 7
Lesson 4: Missing Measures
Topic B Constructing Triangles
Lesson 8: Drawing Triangles
Unit 7
Lesson 5: Can You Build It?
Lesson 11: Conditions on Measurements That Determine a Triangle
Unit 7
Lesson 5: Can You Build It?
Topic D Problems Involving Area and Surface Area
Lesson 22: Area Problems with Circular Regions
Unit 3
Lesson 9: Area Challenges

Grade 8

Module 1: Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation

Eureka Math Desmos Classroom
Topic A Exponential Notation and Properties of Integer Exponents
Lesson 1: Exponential Notation
Unit 7 
Lesson 1: Circles
Lesson 2: Multiplication of Numbers in Exponential Form
Lesson 3: Numbers in Exponential Form Raised to a Power
Unit 7 
Lesson 3: Power Pairs
Topic B Magnitude and Scientific Notation
Lesson 9: Scientific Notation
Lesson 10: Operations with Numbers in Scientific Notation
Unit 7 
Lesson 9: Specific and Scientific
Lesson 11: Balance the Scale


Module 2: The Concept of Congruence

Topic A Definitions and Properties of the Basic Rigid Motions
Lesson 1: Why Move Things Around?
Lesson 2: Definition of Translation and Three Basic Properties
Unit 1
Lesson 1: Transformers
Lesson 2: Spinning, Flipping, Sliding
Lesson 3: Translating Lines
Unit 1
Lesson 1: Transformers
Lesson 2: Spinning, Flipping, Sliding
Lesson 4: Definition of Reflection and Basic Properties
Lesson 5: Definition of Rotation and Basic Properties
Lesson 6: Rotations of 180 Degrees
Unit 1
Lesson 1: Transformers
Lesson 2: Spinning, Flipping, Sliding
Lesson 4: Moving Day
Topic B Sequencing the Basic Rigid Motions
Lesson 9: Sequencing Rotations
Lesson 10: Sequences of Rigid Motions
Unit 1
Lesson 13: Tessellate
Lesson 14: More on the Angles of a Triangle
Unit 1 
Lesson 12: Puzzling It Out

Module 3: Similarity

Topic A Dilation
Lesson 1: What Lies Behind “Same Shape”?
Unit 2
Lesson 1: Sketchy Dilations
Lesson 2: Dilation Mini Golf
Lesson 2: Properties of Dilations
Lesson 3: Examples of Dilations
Unit 2
Lesson 1: Sketchy Dilations
Lesson 2: Dilation Mini Golf
Lesson 4: Fundamental Theorem of Similarity
Lesson 5: First Consequences of FTS
Unit 2
Lesson 6: Social Scavenger Hunt 
Topic B Similar Figures
Lesson 8: Similarity
Lesson 9: Basic Properties of Similarity
Unit 2
Lesson 6: Social Scavenger Hunt 
Topic C The Pythagorean Theorem
Lesson 13: Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem
Unit 8
Lesson 8: Triangle-Tracing Turtle

Module 4: Linear Equations

Topic A Writing and Solving Linear Equations
Lesson 4: Solving a Linear Equation
Unit 4
Lesson 5: Equation Roundtable
Lesson 5: Writing and Solving Linear Equations
Unit 4
Lesson 5: Equation Roundtable
Lesson 6: Solutions of a Linear Equation
Unit 4
Lesson 5: Equation Roundtable
Topic B Linear Equations in Two Variables and Their Graphs
Unit 3
Lesson 4: Flags
Lesson 10: A Critical Look at Proportional Relationships
Unit 3
Lesson 1: Turtle Time Trials
Lesson 4: Flags
Lesson 11: Constant Rate
Unit 3
Lesson 4: Flags
Lesson 13: The Graph of a Linear Equation in Two Variables
Unit 3 
Lesson 4: Flags
Topic C Slope and Equations of Lines
Lesson 15: The Slope of a Non-Vertical Line
Unit 3
Lesson 4: Flags
Lesson 18: There Is Only One Line Passing Through a Given Point with a Given Slope
Unit 3
Lesson 4: Flags
Lesson 19: The Graph of a Linear Equation in Two Variables Is a Line
Unit 3
Lesson 4: Flags
Lesson 20: Every Line Is a Graph of a Linear Equation
Unit 3
Lesson 4: Flags
Lesson 22: Constant Rates Revisited
Unit 3
Lesson 1: Turtle Time Trials
Topic D Systems of Linear Equations and Their Solutions
Lesson 25: Geometric Interpretation of the Solutions of a Linear System
Unit 4  
Lesson 11: Make Them Balance
Lesson 12: Line Zapper

Module 5: Examples of Functions from Geometry

Topic A Functions
Lesson 1: The Concept of a Function
Unit 5
Lesson 1: Turtle Crossing
Lesson 2: Guess My Rule
Lesson 2: Formal Definition of a Function
Unit 5
Lesson 1: Turtle Crossing
Lesson 2: Guess My Rule
Lesson 3: Linear Functions and Proportionality
Unit 3
Lesson 1: Turtle Time Trials
Lesson 5: Graphs of Functions and Equations
Unit 5
Lesson 5: The Tortoise and the Hare
Lesson 6: Graphs of Linear Functions and Rate of Change
Unit 3
Lesson 4: Flags
Lesson 7: Comparing Linear Functions and Graphs
Unit 5
Lesson 5: The Tortoise and the Hare
Topic B Volume
Lesson 10: Volumes of Familiar Solids—Cones and Cylinders
Unit 5
Lesson 11: Cylinders

Module 6: Linear Functions

Topic A Linear Functions
Lesson 2: Interpreting Rate of Change and Initial Value
Unit 3
Lesson 1: Turtle Time Trials
Lesson 4: Increasing and Decreasing Functions
Lesson 5: Increasing and Decreasing Functions
Unit 5
Lesson 1: Turtle Crossing
Lesson 5: The Tortoise and the Hare
Topic B Bivariate Numerical Data
Lesson 6: Scatter Plots
Lesson 7: Patterns in Scatter Plots
Unit 6 
Lesson 3: Robots
Lesson 8: Informally Fitting a Line
Unit 6
Lesson 4: Dapper Cats
Lesson 6: Find the Fit
Lesson 10: Linear Models
Lesson 11: Using Linear Models in a Data Context
Unit 5
Lesson 5: The Tortoise and the Hare
Topic D Bivariate Categorical Data
Lesson 14: Association Between Categorical Variables
Unit 6
Lesson 11: Finding Associations

Module 7: Introduction to Irrational Numbers Using Geometry

Topic A Square and Cube Roots  
Lesson 2: Square Roots
Unit 8
Lesson 4: Root Down
Lesson 4: Simplifying Square Roots Unit 8
Lesson 4: Root Down
Topic C The Pythagorean Theorem  
Lesson 18: Applications of the Pythagorean Theorem Unit 8
Lesson 10: Taco Truck

Module 1: Relationships Between Quantities and Reasoning with Equations and Their Graphs

Topic A: Introduction to Functions Studied this Year—Graphing Stories

Lesson 1: Graphs of Piecewise Functions Pumpkin Prices
Lesson 2: Graphs of Quadratic Functions Revisiting Visual Patterns, Part 1
Quadratic Visual Patterns


Topic C: Solving Equations and Inequalities

Lesson 10: True and False Equations Same Position
Lesson 11: Solution Sets for Equations and Inequalities Working Backwards
Solving Strategies
Shelley the Snail
Lesson 19: Rearranging Formulas Subway Seats
Various Variables
Lesson 21: Solution Sets to Inequalities with Two Variables Pizza Delivery
Lesson 22 & Lesson 23: Solution Sets to Simultaneous Equations (and Inequalities) Shape It Up
Lizard Lines
Seeking Solutions


Module 2: Descriptive Statistics

Topic D: Numerical Data on Two Variables

Lesson 14: Modeling Relationships with a Line City Slopes
Residual Fruit
Penguin Populations
Lesson 19: Interpreting Correlation Correlation Coefficient
How Hot Is It?
Behind the Headlines
City Data


Module 3: Linear and Exponential Functions

Topic A: Linear and Exponential Sequences

Lesson 3: Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences Sequence Carnival
More Visual Patterns
Lesson 5: The Power of Exponential Growth Carlos’s Fish


Topic B: Describing Variability and Comparing Distributions

Lesson 4: Summarizing Deviations from the Mean Finding Desmo
Lesson 13: Interpreting the Graph of a Function Craft-a-Graph
Lesson 14: Linear and Exponential Models – Comparing Growth Rates Detroit’s Population, Part 1
Detroit’s Population, Part 2


Topic D: Using Functions and Graphs to Solve Problems

Lesson 21: Comparing Linear and Exponential Models Again Plane, Train, and Automobile
Lesson 21: Comparing Linear and Exponential Models Again Carlos’s Fish


Module 4: Polynomial and Quadratic Expressions, Equations, and Functions

Topic A: Quadratic Expressions, Equations, Functions, and Their Connection to Rectangles

Lesson 8: Exploring the Symmetry in Graphs of Quadratic Functions On the Fence
Plenty of Parabolas
Robot Launch
Lesson 9: Graphing Quadratic Functions from Factored Form, 𝑓(𝑥)=𝑎(𝑥−𝑚)(𝑥−𝑛) Two for One
Parabola Zapper
Shooting Stars
Lesson 10: Interpreting Quadratic Functions from Graphs and Tables Stomp Rockets


Topic B: Using Different Forms for Quadratic Functions

Lessons 11–12: Completing the Square Square Tactic
Lesson 15: Using the Quadratic Formula Stomp Rockets in Space


Topic C: Function Transformations and Modeling

Lesson 18: Graphing Cubic, Square Root, and Cube Root Functions Sorting Relationships
Lesson 22: Comparing Quadratic, Square Root, and Cube Root Functions Represented in Different Ways Sorting Relationships



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