Frequently asked questions
Still have questions? We have answers. Check out the following FAQ.
Program questions
What is Amplify Science California?
What is included in Amplify Science California?
I’ve heard Amplify Science California is a digital program that requires 1:1 student devices. Is this true?
How does Amplify Science California address the 5Es?
Does your middle school curriculum support the integrated model of instruction or the discipline-specific model?
Are the units themselves integrated?
Does your curriculum include hands-on activities?
I’m used to using a program that delivers all instruction through hands-on activities? Amplify Science California doesn’t seem to do this. Why?
Is the curriculum appropriate for STEM programs?
What are your connections to CCSS ELA and CCSS Math?
Do you include summative assessments (preparation for high-stakes tests)?
Do I have to teach the program in the suggested sequence?
Our school curriculum requires 180 days of instruction. Will Amplify Science California have enough lessons to fill out a school year?
How many minutes per day should I devote to Amplify Science California?
Technical questions
To ensure that your hardware and network meet the minimum technical requirements for optimal performance and support of your digital curriculum products please see Amplify’s customer requirements page.