Frequently asked questions
The following FAQ contains the answers to some of the most common questions that we receive from pilot teachers like you.
Still have questions? Your dedicated pilot support coordinator would be happy to help. His or her contact information can be found in the pilot support brochure you received during your pilot implementation training. If you prefer, request that your pilot support coordinator gets in touch with you by completing this form.

Program questions
Why does the teacher’s guide look different than the typical teacher’s guides that I’m used to using?
What are Classroom Slides? And, why does my colleague have them but I don’t?
This looks like a lot. Is is possible to get through the entire program in a school year?
Sometimes it feels like my students are ready to move on, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to skip ahead.
I’m used to using a program that delivers all instruction through hands-on activities. Amplify Science California doesn’t seem to do this. Why?
If we purchase Amplify Science California, what’s included?
Technical questions
To ensure that your hardware and network meet the minimum technical requirements for optimal performance and support of your digital curriculum products please see Amplify’s customer requirements page.
I don’t have 1:1 devices. Can I still use the program?
Are there any particular URLs that I should bookmark?
Do you have any tips for preventing tech headaches?