RF.K.2.C.ii: Segment Onsets and Rimes of Single-Syllable Spoken Words


RF.K.2.C.ii: Segment Onsets and Rimes of Single-Syllable Spoken Words



CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.2.C: Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words.



  • Mastery: Student is able to differentiate between words that have the same rime, but different onsets, and vice versa. Student is able to segment and produce the onset and rime of a given word. The word may include beginning blends.
  • Acquiring: Student is able to detect initial sound in spoken words. Students is able to detect rime when onset is deleted from a spoken word. The word might not include beginning blends.


T: Do you hear /t/ at the beginning of the word top or hop?
S: top


T: Say the word cat in two parts- the first sound, then the rest of the word.
S: /c/-/at/


T: Say sat. Now say sat without the /s/.
S: /at/


T: What part of the word changes in the words cake, bake, make?
S: The first sound or onset (/c/, /b/, /m/)


Activities and Resources


Small Group Instruction – Direct Instruction

The Take Away Game, Onset-Rime Segmenting
Onset-Rime Segmenting
PA.021 Quick Pick
PA.022 Rime House
PA.023 Sound Detective
PA.024 Guessing Game
Onset-Rime Knock Knock


During Transition

Song- 1 min. sample & lyrics available
Song- Miguel the Magic Monkey


Reinforce Skills/Independent Work Time – Independent/Small Group Center Activity

Video lesson – stop at 2 min. 33 sec. for single syllable words
Video lesson – hand motions to segment onset-rimes


Display (e.g. Anchor Chart):


Source: Miss Kindergarten Source: Mary Had A Little Classroom Source: Twinkl

Considerations & Reminders

  • Teachers should remember that students are still developing an ear for the various parts of words and the sounds they make at this stage. We want to focus on students’ ability to hear and manipulate sounds (all done orally only – no print), before they focus on the letter(s) representation of these sounds.
  • The skill of segmenting onset-rimes is more difficult than that of blending onset-rimes. Activities listed for both segmenting and blending onset-rimes should only be used once students get to this skill of segmenting onset-rimes (and not while still working on blending onset-rimes).