RF.1.3.F.i: Read Words with Suffixes “es,” “er,” y”


RF.1.3.F.i: Read Words with Suffixes “es,” “er,” y”


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.F: Read words with inflectional endings.


Mastery: Student silently recognizes suffixes as chunks, is able to change a base word with a suffix and produce a new word with an inflectional ending, and decodes words with suffixes with automaticity.

Acquiring: Student sounds out the base word and chunks the suffix out loud, before blending. Student may need help from the teacher.


T: Read the following words: teaches, teacher, spy, spies, runner, runny, smelly, stronger.


T: Read this word: mix.
T: Add -er at the end of the word. What’s the word? S: mixer.
T: Add -es at the end of the word. What’s the word? S: mixes.


T: Write the following: I fly, you fly, he _____ (flies).

Activities and Resources

Small Group Instruction – Direct Instruction

During Transitions

Reinforce Skills/Independent Work Time – Independent/Small Group Center Activity

Display (e.g. Anchor Chart):

Considerations & Reminders

  • One way to help students read words with suffixes is to teach them syllabication (identifying and chunking of the suffix), so that they can read the base word, and add the suffix.
  • It may be helpful for teachers to color code suffix. This may help the student to see the base/root word and how a suffix changes the meaning and the spelling of the word.
  • Teaching tips for teaching prefixes and suffixes: