RF.1.3.E.vi: Decode Two-Syllable Words That Contain R-Controlled Syllables
RF.1.3.E.vi: Decode Two-Syllable Words That Contain R-Controlled Syllables
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.E: Decode two-syllable words following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables.
- Mastery: Student is able to read two-syllable words that contain r-controlled syllables.
- Acquiring: Student is able to decode two-syllable words that contain r-controlled syllables with the aid of a teacher, strategy, or when referring to an anchor chart. Student may only be able to correctly decode the syllable that contains the r-controlled syllable pattern.
Read the following words (presented on word cards in random order): acorn, army, carpet, order, corner, dirty, wizard, hurry, further, border
Activities and Resources
Small Group Instruction – Direct Instruction
- AP.010 Syllable Sort
- P.054 Syllable Patterns Piece it Together
- P.033 Map and Swoop (use the r-controlled syllables page)
- Lessons
- Sample Parent Letter
- Comprehensive Resource- p6 Activities
During Transitions
- Review: Bossy R Song (2 min. 24 sec.)
- Review: Pirates Say AR! Song (2 min. 6 sec.)
- Learn Syllables | Syllable Song or Clap, Stomp and Chomp
Reinforce Skills/Independent Work Time – Independent/Small Group Center Activity
- AP.012 Syllable Map-It (use only r-controlled syllables sheet)
- Mixed Review, p594-596
- Match words with pictures, p598-599, p601-603
- Worksheet (one and two-syllable words)
Display (e.g. Anchor Chart)
Considerations & Reminders
- Students must have a solid understanding of one-syllable words and r-controlled vowels before they move on to this skill.
- Students must have a solid understanding of syllabication (dividing up two-syllable words) as this skill requires the separation of two-syllable words.
- R-controlled vowels can be very difficult for ELLs to pronounce. Using a mirror and extended practice (listening and repeating words that contain r-controlled vowels) can help with proper pronunciation.