RF.1.3.E.iii: Decode Two-Syllable Words That Contain Open Syllables


RF.1.3.E.iii: Decode Two-Syllable Words That Contain Open Syllables


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.E.iii: Decode two-syllable words following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables.


  • Mastery: Student is able to read two-syllable words that contain open syllables.
  • Acquiring: Student is able to decode two-syllable words that contain open syllables with the aid of a teacher, strategy, or when referring to an anchor chart. Student may only be able to correctly decode the syllable that contains the open syllable pattern.


T: Read the following words: basic, begin, bonus, hotel, moment, relax, robot, student, unit, future, mason

Activities and Resources

Small Group Instruction – Direct Instruction

During Transitions

Reinforce Skills/Independent Work Time – Independent/Small Group Center Activity

Display (e.g. Anchor Chart)

Considerations & Reminders

  • Students might focus on the beginning and ending letters while disregarding the letters in the middle. Teach students that multi-syllabic words need to be broken apart. Teach students to slow down when they approach longer words and apply the strategies that they have learned.