RF.1.3.B.xiii: Decode Regularly Spelled One-Syllable Words with Common Silent Letters (wr, kn, lk)
RF.1.3.B.xiii: Decode Regularly Spelled One-Syllable Words with Common Silent Letters (wr, kn, lk)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.B: Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
Mastery: Student silently recognizes silent letter combinations (wr, kn, lk) and decodes regularly spelled one-syllable words with common silent letters with automaticity.
Acquiring: Student sounds out the word with common silent letters, before blending. Student self-corrects if he/she initially says the sound of the silent letter. Student may need a reminder from the teacher or help from a sound/spelling card (wr, kn, lk).
T: Read the following words: yolk, wrap, knot, talk, sword, numb, sign, knee, wrong, ghost
Activities and Resources
Small Group Instruction – Direct Instruction
- P.050 Variant Correspondences Flip Manipulating Books
- Introduce Silent Letter Words
- Silent Letter Fluency
- Silent Letter Accuracy
- Silent Letter List
- Complete a Sentence
- Silent Letter Lesson
During Transitions
Reinforce Skills/Independent Work Time – Independent/Small Group Center Activity
- Finding Silent Letters -kn (need a tablet/computer)
- Finding Silent Letters -gn (need a tablet/computer)
- Reading Silent Letters (need a tablet/computer and headphones)
- Classifying Letters
- Finding Silent Letters in a Group of Words (kn)
- Finding Silent Letters in a Group of Words (wr)
- Finding Silent Letters in a Group of Words (gn)
- Word Search
- Following Directions
- Dragon Words: KNWR
- First Words with Consonant Digraphs
Display (e.g. Anchor Chart):
Considerations & Reminders
- Students may need reminders about silent letters and may decode the sounds separately when reading words with silent letters (e.g., students might say /k/, /n/, /ō/ instead of pronouncing the word “know” as /n/, /ō/, /nō/).
- Referring to sound/spelling cards or anchor charts may help students look for and identify silent consonants in words.