RF.1.3.B.xi: Decode Words with Contractions
RF.1.3.B.xi: Decode Words with Contractions
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.3.B: Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
Mastery: Student recognizes words with contractions, knows what the contractions stand for, and decodes contractions with automaticity.
Acquiring: Student decodes the word with contractions (sound by sound), before blending. Student self-corrects if he/she initially says the wrong sounds in the contraction. Student may need help from the teacher.
T: Read the following words: don’t, I’m, wouldn’t, won’t, didn’t, would’ve, they’ve, you’ve, haven’t, should’ve, isn’t, aren’t, shouldn’t, you’re
T: What do these contractions stand for?
Activities and Resources
Small Group Instruction – Direct Instruction
During Transitions
- Song: Contraction Rap 1st Grade
- Phonics Song: A Contraction Has an Apostrophe With Miss Jenny–The ENTIRE Edutunes Song for FREE!
Reinforce Skills/Independent Work Time – Independent/Small Group Center Activity
- V.001 Word Knowledge Contraction Bingo
- Carl’s Corner – Contractions
- Contractions Matching Worksheet
- Contractions Worksheet
- Learning Contractions Worksheet
- Make Contractions Worksheet
- Undo Contractions Worksheet
- Contractions Worksheet
- Do You Want to Build a Snowman Contraction Work
- Contractions Matching 1
- Contractions Matching 2
- Contraction Word Sort
- Cupcake Contractions
Display (e.g. Anchor Chart):
Considerations & Reminders
Contractions can be difficult for children to grasp. One strategy is to tell students that the apostrophe “eats” or replaces letters from words, and to then stick all of the letters together to make it shorter and easier to read (Source: Organized Classroom).