Math that motivates: Amplify Desmos Math success stories

It’s no secret that student engagement and the prevalence of math anxiety is a real problem in math classrooms. Incorporating more problem-based learning can help, but it feels intimidating and difficult to know where to start. That’s why we’re here!

Amplify Desmos Math is a curiosity-driven K–12 math program that introduces a structured approach to problem-based learning and builds students’ lifelong math proficiency. Teachers help students build off of each other’s ideas and find confidence in their math identities, creating a community of math learners.

But don’t take our word for it—see how real teachers and students are unlocking new levels of engagement and comprehension, proving that everyone can be a math person.

“Our students are learning not just the actual curriculum [and] content, but they're learning to work collaboratively. They're learning to [solve problems]. And that's going to benefit them overall. They're becoming better thinkers, better talkers, better community members, and that's going to help them in any aspect of life.”

—Christy Parsons
Principal, Seaford School District, DE

A structured approach to problem-based learning


Witness teachers and students working together and see how Amplify Desmos Math revolutionizes K–12 math education through a structured approach to problem-based learning that fosters a collaborative math community.

The power of the pause


See what happens when teachers use the pause–one of the teacher facilitation tools and core differentiators in Amplify Desmos Math. You won’t believe how students react.

Everyone’s a math person


See how Amplify Desmos Math helps every student see themselves as a math person.

What teachers say

What educators say about Amplify Desmos Math

“Shifting to this problem-based curriculum now is allowing students to open up. I think they're taking control and ownership. They're coming up with the strategies, they're sharing the strategies. It offers an opportunity for the students to look around the classroom to see what their friends are doing. And in turn, if they're stuck, they’re comfortable turning to other students and problem-solving through sharing.”

Joseph Croce
Seaford School District, DE

What educators say about Amplify Desmos Math

“When we went district-wide with our Amplify Desmos Math curriculum our teachers became the facilitators of learning. And our students are the doers of mathematics. And what we've seen, what I've seen in the classroom, is kids are engaged in a problem, they're collaborative, and they're having fun. And it's like they're not even realizing that they're really doing math.”

Jessica Walsh
San Diego Unified School District, CA

What educators say about Amplify Desmos Math

“So many kids have stated, 'Oh, I'm not a math person.' Or they're scared of getting the answer incorrect. And I think with this curriculum, they feel safe.”

Brendan Simon
Assistant Principal, San Diego Unified School District, CA

Program efficacy

Explore the research behind Amplify Desmos Math.

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