Nevada ELA Review for grades 6–8
Thank you for taking the time to review Amplify’s core ELA program for 6–8.
Amplify ELA is a cutting-edge and effective program that engages middle schools students through a unique blend of digital and print lessons, dynamic texts, lively discussions, and interactive Quests.
- Getting started
- Curriculum overivew
- Engaging and effective content
- Powerful digital tools and assessments
- Program features
- Curriculum review
- Digital navigation walkthrough
- Physical materials walkthrough
- Curriculum implementation
- Access the program
- Explore as a teacher
- Explore as a student
- Check out these additional resources
Getting started
On this site, you’ll find a variety of resources designed to support your review and evaluation of the program. Before you start scrolling, watch the video below to learn about Amplify ELA’s alignment to Nevada’s literacy initiatives as well as where to find key program resources.
Curriculum overivew
Amplify ELA helps students develop the essential skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening, and features:
- Comprehensive print materials, including Teacher Editions, Student Editions, and Writing Journals for grades 6–8.
- A year’s worth of instruction for each grade.
- Complex, content-rich literary and informational texts.
- Differentiation that supports all students with reading complex texts, and an interactive eReader with an array of multimedia tools.
- Embedded assessments that allow for uninterrupted instructional time.
- The Amplify Library—a digital collection of more than 700 full-length texts.
In the videos below, hear about current educators’ experience with Amplify ELA and the positive impact it has made in their classrooms.
Engaging and effective content
Powerful digital tools and assessments
Program features
Print, digital, or hybrid delivery
Structured routines with flexible lesson activities
100 Lesson Pathway
Great books
Six levels of differentiation
Engaging apps that deepen learning
Informative and streamlined assessment system
Feedback and grading with Classwork
Curriculum review
Digital navigation walkthrough
Physical materials walkthrough
Curriculum implementation
See our Science of Reading solutions in action! Click here to see a real example of how one Ohio district is implementing and educating their K–8 community on the Science of Reading as a response to Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement Initiative.
Access the program
Before logging in, download and review this digital navigation guide.
Explore as a teacher
Ready to explore as a teacher? Follow these instructions:
- Click the Access digital curriculum button below.
- Click to review as a teacher.
- Pick your grade level from the drop-down menu.
- Scroll down to find additional grade-level resources.
Explore as a student
Ready to explore as a student? Follow these instructions:
- Click the Access digital curriculum button below.
- Click to review as a student.
- Pick your grade level from the drop-down menu.
- Scroll down to find additional grade-level resources.
Check out these additional resources
Nevada submission resources:
- Amplify ELA Program Alignment to the Standards (Nevada Rubric: Category 1)
- Amplify ELA Program Social Justice Alignment (Nevada Rubric: Category 2)
- Amplify ELA Lesson Alignment to the Nevada Academic Content Standards for English Language Arts
Amplify ELA review resources:
- Amplify ELA Program guide
- Amplify ELA Research Base
- Assessment in Amplify ELA
- Supporting all learners with Amplify ELA
- Administrator reports with Amplify ELA
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion in Amplify ELA
- Remote and hybrid learning in Amplify ELA
- Principles of engagement in Amplify ELA
- Amplify ELA Technical Specifications