Dyslexia Screening: The Latest Trends and Advancements

Researchers estimate that 5–15 percent of students struggle with dyslexia. As universal screening and dyslexia screening legislation are passed at the state level, educators are tasked with implementing new literacy initiatives to identify and support their at-risk students, including assessing for phonological awareness, the alphabetic principle, phonics, reading fluency, reading accuracy, reading comprehension, rapid naming, encoding, and in some cases vocabulary. In a year of instructional loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, these at-risk students have been impacted in the classroom even more.

It raises the question, what does dyslexia screening legislation mean for educators around the country? Given the latest research on the Science of Reading, what are the best ways to identify and support your at-risk readers who have fallen even further behind this school year due to COVID-19?

This webinar will answer those questions, with Danielle Damico, Ph.D., NCSP, director of learning science at Amplify, exploring the latest advances in early literacy assessment that go beyond universal screening and help educators screen for the early warning signs of dyslexia risk.

While bringing to light new dyslexia screening legislative initiatives enacted around the country, she will also present on the latest research into the Science of Reading and what is needed to identify and support at-risk readers for the 2021-22 school year.

This webinar will be of interest to teachers and school and district leaders of the kindergarten through elementary levels. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.

4:00–5:00p.m. ET


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Online October 12