Aerial view of a city skyline with modern skyscrapers, the Desmos Classroom logo prominently displayed in the lower right corner.

Save the date: You're invited to New Fellows Orientation 2024

Get ready for an unforgettable New Fellows Orientation event in the beautiful “Mile High City,” Denver, CO! Come join a community of math enthusiasts (yes, that’s you!) and immerse yourself in an exciting day-and-a-half journey of professional learning, jam-packed with enriching collaboration, thoughtful mentorship, new friends, and a whole lot more.

About the event

This interactive retreat for new Desmos Classroom Fellows will be held at the Doubletree by Hilton Denver from June 27–29. During the retreat, you will spend your time in professional learning experiences led by Desmos Classroom experts and get early access to our best ideas and technology.


During the New Fellows Orientation, you will:

1. Help us learn more about the ways you support diverse students in their learning of challenging mathematics, with and without technology.

2. Learn how our team helps teachers use our powerful technology and activities.

3. Collaborate with other Desmos Classroom Fellows to create a resource to share with other teachers.

4. Receive a certificate of attendance.

5. Leave the New Fellows Orientation with new questions, friends, and goals for the upcoming school year.




For new Fellows: Please plan to arrive for lunch at 1p.m. on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Participants will be provided lunch and dinner on June 27 and meals on June 28. Departures will be on Saturday, June 29, 2024.

Amplify will cover on-site hotel and meal fees for June 27 and 28. Attendees are responsible for their own travel costs.


Register for New Fellows Orientation