Welcome, Amplify Math families!
Amplify welcomes you and your learner to Amplify Math for the new school year. We are very excited to provide you with exceptional learning opportunities through math. Below are resources and helpful guides for enabling your student to have the most productive experience with our platform throughout the year.

What is Amplify Math?
Amplify Math is a core math curriculum built for grades 6, 7, 8, and Algebra 1. It features a full suite of products for teachers and students that includes lesson plans, instructional materials, practice, assessments, and support to meet all learners’ needs. Amplify Math is built upon the highly rated curriculum, Illustrative Mathematics’® IM K–12 Math™, which was heavily researched and field-tested and has earned an all-green score on EdReports, the nationally recognized non-profit curriculum evaluation organization.
Amplify Math helps students learn math in a way that is engaging and relevant to the world around them using student-centered instruction, which has been proven to increase students’ motivation, engagement, and enjoyment of math. Students using the program are active participants in their learning, solving problems while working with their classmates.
The digital experience allows your student’s teacher to monitor your student’s work in real time and make sure they get the exact support that they need at every part of the lesson. Amplify Math’s open-ended tasks provide engaging challenges for students of all levels, preparing them to solve all types of problems. The parts of Amplify Math work together to help students master the key skills of a 21st century learner!
Some of the unique features of Amplify Math include:
- Narrative connections: Exciting stories that help students to make connections between the math they learn in class and their everyday lives, making math class more engaging for your student.
- Amps: Interactive digital activities (included in every lesson) let your student can explore the math and collaborate with their peers.
- Power-ups: Additional activities that teachers can use to identify when your student needs support and help your student improve on the most important skills.
- Featured mathematicians: Stories of important mathematicians that help your students see themselves mirrored in the history of math.
Why student-centered instruction?

Student-centered instruction may look different from the way students have learned math for decades, and maybe even the way you learned math. Student-centered instruction instead emphasizes student-led discovery. When students explore and discover strategies, they are more engaged and make longer lasting connections.
Research shows that students and teachers alike prefer this method, and teachers report that student-centered instruction has helped their students learn more math. This way of learning helps students to remember what they learn in class and apply their knowledge to new situations. Students who experience student-centered instruction have been shown to perform better on standardized tests and have more growth in their grades than their peers who learn through other methods. Your student will also learn to communicate in writing and verbally, understand and challenge the opinions of others, and build confidence in solving new problems. With student-centered learning, students will begin to develop key skills for success in college and the workplace, like using technology, completing projects independently and with others, and persevering through difficult problems.
What does an Amplify Math lesson look like?

Students using Amplify Math will be active participants in their learning and get practice solving interesting and new types of problems. Here’s what a typical Amplify Math lesson includes:
- Warm-up: A short, attention-getting problem to get students interested in the lesson
- Activities: 2-3 mini-activities that challenge students’ problem-solving skills
- Summary: Discussion to review and bring together the important concepts from the lesson
- Exit Ticket: Questions for students to show what they know from the lesson
- Practice: Additional problems your student’s teacher may assign for classwork or homework
In class, your student will spend their time working on challenging problems while the teacher acts as a guide, highlighting different strategies for solving problems and helping students to understand the reasoning behind the math they do in class. Your student will be pushed to think more deeply about the math in their class as the teacher and other students question them on why their ideas make sense. Research has proven that this method helps students become better problem solvers, critical thinkers, and have a stronger conceptual understanding of what they are learning.
Check out lessons from Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, and Algebra 1, and watch this video of a typical Amplify Math lesson:
Materials overview
Your student will have access to all learning, practice, and assessment materials through the Amplify platform. In addition, depending on the district, your student may also have a print Student Edition to use instead of the digital lesson if they do not have a device or internet. The Student Edition is a workbook that students can use to complete their work on problems and practice within the lessons.
Students can access the digital curriculum in school and at home with login information provided by their teachers. You can contact your student’s teacher to learn more about how they log in. Here are some key resources of the digital platform for students:
- Digital activities to allow students to explore and make sense of math, leading to increased engagement and understanding
- Digital supports such as a calculator and manipulatives to support all students where they are
- Power-ups to give students just-in-time practice with key skills
- Ability to access instructional materials in English or Spanish
Unit Caregiver Letters
Click a unit below to download the caregiver letter for that unit, in both English and Spanish.
Grade 6
Grade 7
Accelerated Grades 6 and 7
Grade 8
Algebra 1
How to support your student

- Review the unit caregiver letters to understand the key concepts in each unit. You can walk through the worked examples with your student, asking them to explain the strategy shown and asking if they know any other strategies to solve the problems.
- Your student’s teacher may assign practice problems at the end of each lesson for classwork or homework. Ask your student to walk you through how they solved each problem or talk about any parts that were challenging for them.
- Emphasize that getting stuck is part of the process and a necessary part of learning. Many students (and adults!) fear making mistakes, however, research shows that making mistakes helps your brain grow more. When your student gets stuck on a problem, encourage them to try different strategies, even if they are not sure if they are right.
- Relate math to daily activities at home, whether it be baking, grocery shopping, or planning for a road trip. Your student can help you figure out the price of an item after a coupon, cut a recipe in half, or figure out how much gas you’ll need to make it to your destination. Encourage your student to point out ways that your family uses math in your daily tasks.
Want to learn more?
Interested in learning more about Amplify Math? These resources will help you dig deeper: