10 ideas for summer math professional learning

Hopefully by now you've decompressed and are enjoying a much-needed break. But even as you're savoring the long days of summer, you can keep your math instruction skills current and sharp—without breaking a sweat.

By Amplify Staff | July 12, 2024

How many servings of coleslaw do you need for the picnic? What, on average, is the coolest time of the day? Exactly how likely is a lightning strike?

Math doesn’t stop when summer starts. This season is ripe with opportunities for challenging and stretching your math brain. It’s also the perfect time for math teachers to dive into professional learning without the time constraints of the classroom. Our recommendation? Kickstart your summer learning and set yourself up for even greater success in the new school year with our free professional development opportunities for math educators!

Check out our curated list of on-demand professional development and resources. Whether you’re seeking ways to incorporate more problem-based learning methods, wanting to learn more about implementing an instructional approach, or simply looking for fresh activities to bring to the math classroom, you’ll find a variety of options here that will fit any agenda and schedule.

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Math classroom Mathematics Problem-based learning

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