Amplify Science
Benchmark assessments
The Next Generation Science Standards Benchmark Assessments by Amplify give you insight into how your students are progressing toward mastery of the standards ahead of high-stakes end-of-year assessments. The Benchmark Assessments measure and report on the three dimensions and performance expectations of the NGSS.
The NGSS Benchmark Assessments are designed to test all standards, with multiple assessment opportunities per year. The assessment forms are paced to align with the Amplify Science curriculum sequence. Assigned digitally or as PDFs, the assessments are designed to be given three or four times per year.
Click below to preview the NGSS Benchmark Assessments:
Note: the NGSS Benchmark Assessments were developed for the national edition of Amplify Science, and we will work with the New York City Department of Education to modify for New York City.
The Amplify NGSS Benchmark Assessments were authored by Amplify and were not developed as part of the Amplify Science program or created by the Lawrence Hall of Science.