Welcome to Amplify ELA!

Welcome to the Amplify ELA review site for Arizona. This site is designed to help you learn about Amplify ELA—a core English Language Arts curriculum for Grades 6–8. Here are a few important documents so you can rest assured that Amplify ELA is aligned to Arizona’s English Language Arts standards.

Amplify ELA’s alignment to Arizona standards

Amplify ELA’s correlations to Arizona standards


Illustration of a woman's profile with floral hair decorations, a group of diverse children reading, and an astronaut, with text

Overview Presentation

After watching the video to the right, scroll down to learn even more, download resources, and access a demo.

What is Amplify ELA?

Amplify ELA is a core program for grades 6–8 that delivers:

  • A unique research-based approach designed to get all students reading grade-level text together.
  • An instructional design that inspires students to read more deeply, write more vividly, and think more critically.
  • A rich combination of dynamic texts, lively discussions, and interactive Quests that truly engages middle schoolers and inspires them to participate in learning.

Interested in learning more about the research behind the program?

Click the link to access the Amplify ELA Research Hub.


How does it work?

Amplify ELA provides everything you need to deliver a full year’s worth of high-quality instruction.

Looking for a more flexible version of the curriculum? Check out our abridged lesson pathways ensure full coverage of the standards in just 100 days.


What do students explore?

Each grade level of Amplify ELA consists of six multimedia units. Four or five of the units are focused on complex literary texts and one or two are collections based on primary source documents and research. Each grade also provides two or three immersive learning experiences called Quests, a dedicated story writing unit, and a poetry unit.

Download the unit overviews below to learn more.

Three students in uniforms engage in a discussion at a classroom table, with laptops open in front of them.

How does it engage all students?

Watching students mature into adolescents: inspiring. Knowing how to engage and motivate their changing brains: science.

The middle-school years are marked by a period of tremendous growth and change for students—physically, emotionally, and socially. Amplify ELA understands and embraces these changes, and delivers instruction specifically designed to tap into adolescents’ natural inclinations toward collaboration, exploration, and autonomy.



Amplify believes all students are capable of reading grade-level text together.

Amplify ELA ensures all students have access to the same text. With six distinct levels of differentiation, your student is supported or challenged in a way that meets their unique needs. This includes ELLs at the Developing, Expanding, and Bridging levels, as well as students needing substantial support or an extra challenge.


Multiple overlapping open documents on a computer screen, featuring text editing interfaces with prompts for feedback and responses.


In Amplify ELA, all units include a robust system of embedded assessment that provides teachers with actionable student performance data long before end-of-unit or benchmark exams. The Embedded Assessment Measure (EAM) reports allow teachers to easily track and interpret student performance without ever interrupting the flow of daily instruction to test students.

Clear and actionable student performance data
With intelligent feedback tools and embedded assessments, Amplify ELA makes it easy to monitor student progress and intervene where needed—no matter where teaching and learning is taking place.

Automated Writing Assessment
Amplify’s Automated Writing Evaluation assesses student writing for Focus, Use of Evidence, and Conventions, providing critical feedback for teachers and data for Amplify’s writing reports.

Amplify ELA Reporting provides teachers with clear data to understand patterns of student performance and deliver scaffolds and supports as students need them.

Click this link for more information on assessments in Amplify ELA.

Access demo

Ready to explore on your own? Follow the instructions below to access your demo account.

Explore as a teacher

First, watch the quick teacher navigation video to the right. Then, follow the instructions below to access your demo account.


Access ELA Learning Platform


Explore as a student

First, watch the quick student navigation video to the right. Then, follow the instructions below to access your demo account.


Access ELA Learning Platform