Texas State Reviewers:  Welcome to Amplify ELAR Skills and Amplify SLAR Habilidades y Destrezas!

Thank you for taking the time to review Amplify’s English and Spanish Phonics programs for Texas. This site will allow you to easily access grade-level teacher and student resources submitted for review. Simply click the program you wish to review below to get started.


Texas ELAR K-3 Skills

Texas SLAR K-2 Habilidades y Destrezas


Feedback: Amplify’s materials on this website have been submitted to the Texas State Board of Education for review as part of their annual IMRA (Instructional Materials Review and Approval) process.  During this process, Amplify is accepting feedback and will make additional edits to address surfacing issues.  Your feedback is appreciated as we ensure a product of the highest quality.  Please submit feedback and/or error reports by visiting sboe.texas.gov/imra.

Illustrations of diverse children engaged in various activities across different seasons and settings.

Amplify Texas ELAR Skills K-3

Grade K

Grade 2

Amplify Texas SLAR Habilidades y Destrezas K-2

Navigation tool

Navigation video

TEKS Breakout Correlations


  • Ancillary Components / Materiales complementarios

Grado K

Grado 1

Grado 2