RF.1.2.A Distinguish Long from Short Vowel Sounds in Spoken Single-Syllable Words


RF.1.2.A Distinguish Long from Short Vowel Sounds in Spoken Single-Syllable Words


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.2.A: Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken single-syllable words.


  • Mastery: Student can quickly and easily identify the vowel sound as a long or short vowel sound in spoken single-syllable words.
  • Acquiring: Student needs teacher to repeat and emphasize vowel sound in a given word in order to distinguish long and short vowel sounds.


T: Is the sound [ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ; ā, ē, ī, ō, ū]. Long or short? [repeat for each vowel; mix long and short vowel sounds]


T: Say _____. (meet: long, cat: short, get: short, line: long, road: long, cut: short, rod: short, fate: long, cute: long, fit: short)
S: [repeats] _____.


T: Does _____ have a short or a long vowel sound?
S: (meet: long, cat: short, get: short, line: long, road: long, cut: short, rod: short, fate: long, cute: long, fit: short)


T: Tell me a word that has the [ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ; ā, ē, ī, ō, ū] sound.
S: (e.g., any appropriate answer, based on question posed long/short vowel).

Activities and Resources

Small Group Instruction – Direct Instruction

Lesson Plan: I See Long E!

During Transition

Song- long and short vowels
Song- short vowels
Song- long and short vowels
Song- Apples and Bananas/ long vowels
The Short A Song
The Long A Song
The Short E Song
The Long E Song
The Short I Song
The Long I Song
The O Song
The O Song 2
The Short U Song
The Long U Song

Reinforce Skills/Independent Work Time – Independent/Small Group Center Activity

Sorting Activity: cut up images of single syllable words with short and long vowel sounds, students can use pocket chart to sort images into two columns titled “short vowels” and “long vowels”
Sorting long and short vowels interactive game (images only) (free login required)
Sorting for each pair of long and short vowel
Long and short vowel sort and Roll and Say game

Display (e.g., Anchor Chart):

Source: Printablee
Short vowel sound mouth positions and hand gestures
Source: Super English Kid

Considerations & Reminders

  • Since this is a phonological awareness activity be sure to have students focus on the sounds of the words instead of the letters in the word.
  • Elaborating the shape of your mouth when saying the vowel sounds helps students distinguish between the long and short vowel sounds.
  • Bear in mind that some English Language Learners (ELLs) (depending on the home language) may not be able to pronounce certain sounds that do not exist in their language (e.g., Spanish speaker ELLs may have difficulty producing the /ĭ/ as in pig)